
Does anyone here know about prolapsed uterus?

Does anyone here know about prolapsed uterus?
Best answer:
I had a hysterectomy 24 years ago at the age of 24. I was warned that there is a slight chance of a prolapse of the bladder. I have never had any porblems at all.There is a chance of a prolapse bladder and if this happens you need to have it stitched back into place or else the bottom of the baldder goes pear shaped and urine remains and goes bad causing infections.

The operation is called a Culpal Suspension and is quite painless.

Ladies I have a question, can you help to answer it?
Best answer:
Lolwhen i was in my mom's belly(about a month pregnant), she told me that she was on the toilet and having really bad stomach pains, and a blob fell out of her thang. she doctor told he later that it could have been another kid. D: i hope you enjoy your hot cocoa and please note that i am jealous.I peed a tape worm out.. it hurt D: also I think I miscarried not for sure but something came out.....

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Orignal From: Does anyone here know about prolapsed uterus?

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