
Dropped bladder?

Dropped bladder?
Best answer:
Either a GYN or urologist will be able to help you. They might ask you to consider medications first if you are having urine leakage when sneezing or coughing, or urgency when the need to urinate presents itself.

dropped bladder

Image by kuyabic

If a female has a dropped bladder can she have penetration intercourse?
Best answer:
Yeh but it may be unconfortableThis is too serious a question to ask to losers and idiots on here. Ask your doctor instead.

Edit: to the rude nurse who commented below me...Grow up and get over yourself. Do you really want this woman to get her medical advice from twelve year olds?You can try, you'll know if it's uncomfortable. You might feel like something is being "hit" inside and it might be painful or uncomfortable. The only way you'll know is to try it, it isn't going to hurt anything by trying.you cannot injure yourself by trying, tho you may find it uncomfortable.

to sunshine: you may be a loser or an idiot, but not everyone who answers questions here is.

Orignal From: Dropped bladder?

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