
dropped uterus?

dropped uterus?
Best answer:
She a different doctor.My mom had the same thing happen to her. She got a hysterectomy and now everything is great and she is more comfortable with herself now.Usually it happens to women over 50...if the Dr actually did a pap smear he/she should have seen it...and it can be fixed. Either have a hystrectomy or have your uterus stitched back in place. (if you're done using it...and usually 50 yr olds are...have it taken out). If I were your Mom. I'd be looking for a new Dr. (and yes it IS a prolapsed uterus.)My grandmother had that, and I do not think she ever did anything about it..It makes me cringe. I really think your mother needs a different doc. Might I ask what part of Ohio you are in. because i know of a few good doc's in Ohio. But it depends on what part. Feel free to email me for some Dr. names and places.it ia a prolapsed uterus, it can be caused by having children, by excessive weight, and a few other factors. those were the two in my case. my uterus was actually protruding from my vagina, i would have abdominal pain rfequently, and i couldnt even keep a tampon in b/c the uterus would force it out. i had to have a hysterectomy. now alls good she should see a gynecologist and seek a second opinion, if it doesnt feel normal to her, then it probably isnt. after all a woman begins to learn and know her body over time and you should know what norm and not norm for your body/vagina

Boodabelly Duckfoot
dropped uterus

Image by J. Star

I was told I have inflamed ovaries and my uterus has dropped and i have an ovarian cyst ?
Best answer:
I would think so sounds to me like you have some problems to fix before you conceive

Orignal From: dropped uterus?

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