How Much Does Uterus Removal (Hysterectomy) Cost?
Best answer:
I had a hysterectomy about 14 years ago, and it cost about $ 7,000 then just for the doctor so would be much more now. She needs to see if she can get some kind of a medical card through social services or welfare to help with the cost of this surgery because it can be very expensive.
hope this helps..
Massive ovarian tumor debulking. The final pathologic specimen.
Image by zpeckler
Is it true that an ovary will float around after removal of uterus in the human female?
Best answer:
Yes they float around the pelvic cavityWhile they're no longer attached to the uterus or fallopian tubes due to removal, they're not going to "float" off and hang out with your gallbladder or anything. They stay in relatively the same place. The term "floating" refers to the fact that they're no longer physically attached to their original organ, but they're not just going to wander off.
Due to the fact that you no longer have ligatures holding the ovary to it's "traditional" spot, the nurse probably could not palpate the organ. It might have shifted a few centimeters or even inches, but I doubt it's gone to some new region of space entirely.
If in doubt, ask your doctor for an ultrasound. Either way, it's not going to matter; your ovary should still function normally, with or without your uterus and regardless of locale.
Treatment and Removal of Fibroids from the Uterus by Traction.
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