
Info a young women having Vaginal prolapse?

Info a young women having Vaginal prolapse?
Best answer:
Never underestimate three things in life – Fire, Foe & Symptoms of Disease – no matter how small they are.

Shed your inhibitions and clear your doubts by consulting an O&G Specialist / General Physician. But please don't try to analyze any symptoms and look for any medical advice in this forum.

Good Luck...!!!

What do these symptoms mean? I don't have a uti.?
Best answer:
There are so many things this could be. I advise you to get another opinion. Maybe you need to get some more tests done. I would not stop until I got answers.travel to Johns Hopkins on the east coast...in Baltimore. or a Hospital known for being high tech. If you are going to so many doctors odds are that there is a mis communication somewhere. Whenever I realize that my second opinion completely differs from the first..I get a third!

I would go to a doctor who is more proactive and less likely to shove pills down your throat. why in the hell are you on medication for a bladder condition if the doctors havent DIAGNOSED you yet? That is like someone taking insulin because their blood sugar is found to be at abnormal levels. there may be an underlying issue that needs to be taken care of.

all medicines have positive and negative effects on your body

get a diagnosis before you start cramming drugs down your throat!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1It's clearly Stones! Have you been to a urologist? Do you get discomfort in your lower back (left or right sides)? Does it come and go? Basically the pain feels like labor pains!

Good LuckOnly suggestion is to keep having tests done. And if nothing is found then maybe it's time to change doctors. B/c something IS wrong and I had to change doctors to have my disease found. I have PCOS. I AM NOT saying you have this but just making a point. Don't give up. You don't want it to get worse. Take care of your body. Good luck hun.I would suggest an MRI because they can see a lot more thats goin on,theres that many things with them symptoms so ask the doc for a MRI good luckThe cystocele is likely what is causing you to urinate so frequently. Ask most women, as they get older they urinate more frequently. STOP pushing when you void-your bladder or uterus could fall out! This is no joke, it happens, and all that pushing is making it worse. Just void normally, no pushing. Stop drinking fluids a few hours before bed time. They use to do surgery at the first sign of a cystocele, but now they dont feel it should be done. (probably the drug companies had something to do with that decision). Try a second opinion, and research your problem.sounds like the uterine prolapse is causing the problem. I had the same thing with mine. Ended up with a hysterectomy and all is well.

First Aid for Prolapse by Christine Kent

  • by Christine Kent, author of Saving the Whole Woman
  • 90 minutes

Most women don't know that pelvic organ prolapse exists until they become symptomatic. If you have prolapse and have been told you need surgery, you are not alone. Pelvic organ prolapse is the most pervasive women's health issue in the developed world affecting over 50% of women in their lifetimes. < br />

Most importantly, if you have been diagnosed with cystocele, rectocele or uterine prolapse, you need to educate yourself. Surgeries for prolapse are fraught with risks and rarely provide long term resolution.

But prolapse can be successfully managed for a lifetime without dangerous surgery.

Christine Kent, author of the definitive book on the subject, Saving the Whole Woman, explains the anatomy of prolapse clearly and understandably. She demonstrates the prolapse is actually a postural problem, due to the flattening of the lumbar (lower back) curve as women get older. With prolapse, our organs don't fall down, they fall back. By restoring natural female posture, the org

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