Can a uterine prolapse occur in a young women?
Best answer:
Again you are asking this? Give it a rest already!!!combination of muscles and ligaments in the pelvis called the pelvic floor support the uterus and vagina, to keep them in their correct position inside the pelvis.
Giving birth as well as the normal ageing process can weaken the pelvic floor and this can result in a prolapse.
Prolapse of the uterus and vagina becomes more common as women get older and is not often seen before the menopause.
A woman's prolapse is described according to the part or parts of the uterus and vagina that are involved. If the front wall of the vagina (below the bladder) is prolapsing it is called a cystocoele (pronounced sisto-seal).
If the back wall of the vagina is involved (in front of the bowel) it is called a rectocoele (pronounced recto-seal).
If the cervix is prolapsing all the way out beyond the entrance of the vagina (introitus) it is called a proccidentia (pronounced pro-sid-enshier).
Sometimes a woman will only have one part of the vagina involved in her prolapse or it may be a combination of the vagina and the uterus.
there is no obvious answer why you have this! as you havent given birth, you are fit and health, and you are not about to go through a menopause, its very unusual.
Women painting
Image by The Advocacy Project
Why is Mitral Valve Prolapse more common in women?
Best answer:
Eleven hundred and sixty-nine young women were prospectively examined for the presence of mitral-valve prolapse as manifested by midsystolic non-ejection click or late systolic murmur (or both). Of the 1169 women 74 (6.3 per cent) had physical findings consistent with mitralvalve prolapse. Sixty-eight of the 74 (92 per cent) had midsystolic non-ejection click, and in 57 the click was accompanied by a late systolic murmur. In six (8 per cent) only a late systolic murmur was heard. Echocardiography on all patients with clinical diagnosis of mitral-valve prolapse showed patterns of prolapse in 60 of 74 (81 per cent). Fourteen (19 per cent) had negative echocardiograms. We conclude that mitral-valve prolapse is clinically present in approximately 6.3 per cent of otherwise healthy young women. (N Engl J Med 294:1086–1088, 1976).
Mitral valve prolapse is believed to be inherited, with a greater expression of the MVP gene in females. Although people with MVP come in all shapes and sizes, there are physical features commonly associated with MVP. These include: pectus excavatum depression of the breast bone, scoliosis curvature of the spine, abnormally straight thoracic spine straight back, arm span greater than height, unusual joint flexibility, and low body weight.
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