
Why do women seem to experience bladder problems and incontinence more than men?

Why do women seem to experience bladder problems and incontinence more than men?
Best answer:
Their urethra is much shorter than men's and if bacteria enters it finds its way quickly into the bladder. Women should also wash after sex in case bacteria has found its way there.Incontinence can actually be helped, if you do pelvic excerscises, I think... x

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bladder incontinence

Image by SCA Svenska Cellulosa Aktiebolaget

I'm almost 15 and I struggle with some bladder incontinence?
Best answer:
Go to a different doctor.Hi here i'm sorry you have bladder incontinence. My sister friend is 14 and she a had bladder problem then one day she found the this website that help her. I think you should try the the program out is on sale for $ 29 but will go back to $ 39 in soon like in a week or month. If come with full refund. You get it a try it might be able to fix your problem.I'm so sorry to hear that you're having these problems. The bottom line is that you should go back to your doctor, and if you don't get satisfactory advice or don't feel like he's taking it seriously, get a referral to someone else, preferably a urologist or urogynecologist (a urologist who specializes in women's bladder problems). Believe it or not, these problems are VERY common, even though no one ever talks about it. Many recent studies have suggested that 10-25% of women under the age of 30 have regular problems with incontinence.

Rest assured, most cases of incontinence are curable. The first thing is to make sure the incontinence isn't a sign of an underlying disease. If not, the treatments vary with the type of incontinence, so it will be important for you to be able to tell your doctor precisely when you leak urine and how much. Is it just a few drops or squirt when you laugh/sneeze/cough/exercise? In that case, exercises or biofeedback are often effective. Do you get sudden, strong urges that you're not able to control and then you lose a large amount of urine? In that case, there are several medications that are available.

In the interim, there are many products on the market that can help you cope. If you're interested, I can send you some links.

I hope you feel better!


Ladies! Help is available! Immediately! There's no need to suffer urine accidents one moment longer. This 6th expanded edition is jam-packed with vital information for controlling bladder incontinence and urine accidents. Booklet 1: A quick, easy, low cost, home remedy, used by European women for over 50 years; Booklet II: Step-by-step instructions in Kegel Basic and Kegel Advanced exercises, and more self help options for staying dry; Booklet III: Should you (wisely) prefer to seek professional help, don't be embarrassed. Here's what you need to tell your primary doctor, questions s/he will ask, plus details of new developments in medications, state-of-the-art tests, modern treatments, and 21st century surgical operations. Covered by most insurances and available right now. Brand new updates. How the Urinary System Works and much more. A set of attractive booklets jam-packed with crucial information designed to rid you of your distressing condition. Published by Letterbox of London US

List Price: $ 12.99

Price: $ 12.99

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