
Q&A: Can anyone explain the pains they experienced with a drop bladder or uterine prolapse?

Can anyone explain the pains they experienced with a drop bladder or uterine prolapse?
Best answer:
My uterus fell after 3 large babies. My bladder had fallen under the uterus. (Came out its hammock* Ligaments*)
I had surgery at age 25. So a few years ago lol. But I do remember my back hurt and I felt like I had to urinate all the time. It hurt to have sex. But not all the time.
Mine never went all the way down like other women i have known with this. I caught it soon after i had my son.
Good luckMy last gf had a uterine prolapse far enough to easily touch her cervix with your finger.

Her only complain was not being able to use tampons, and during sex, one side or the other of her vagina wasn't feeling the penis because it was on one side or the other of the prolapse.

Monkey Kathmandu
uterine prolapse

Image by The Advocacy Project

Will I get Uterine Prolapse if I play Soccer?
Best answer:
Did your doctor actually attend medical school? What a load of codswallop. There are many many sportswomen out there playing many sports without any issue. Play soccer to your heart's content.

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