
abdominal hysterectomy?

abdominal hysterectomy?
Best answer:
Don`t take this the wrong way but all hysterectomies are ABDOMINAL - the womb is IN the abdomen after all.
It probably means you`ve bruised your knee.If it swells up then get it checked out you could have damaged it severely.You may have dislocated your knee or torn a ligament the numbness could even be a trapped nerve.take yourself to ER for an xray to see what the problem is.Hope it helps.Hope you're comfortable soon.

add: To executioner.Hysterectomies can also be done vaginally with suction.

abdominal hysterectomy

Image by RobynAnderson

What will the hospital stay be for abdominal hysterectomy?
Best answer:
There are a lot of variables involved in abdominal surgery..
1. Your pre-op health status
2. Your MD's skills
3. The care you receive post-op.
It is conceivable that if you have your surgery early on day one, you may be discharged, late afternoon or evening the next day, depending on how you fare with the surgery and with the anesthesia.
Talk to your surgeon and let him/her know your concerns. They can help!Lots of factors involved here, but you're looking for a number...

Anywhere from 2 - 5 days, depending on your post-op progress.

My best,
John Jones, M.D.I had an abdomial hysterectomy 13 months ago. I was there for 3 days, but it was because they were afraid that I was going into pneumonia. I tend to breathe shallow. There is a yahoogroup for women who were or already had a hysterectomy and they were soooo helpful. They were so sweet and gave out alot of tips. I had two grapefruit size fibroids and then they said that there were smaller ones. What was really cool tho, my doctor took a pics of them for me. Everyday after surgery you get better and better. I didn't go back to work for 10 weeks. So don't go back too soon. Hospital food hasn't changed much. It's bland the first day. After that I loved the pudding, and popsicles. It is so nice not having your period anymore. Now mine was a total. I have her take everything out, so this is a decision between you and your doctor. But I figure, I am 50 at the time, and if I left my overies that what happens if they go bad and I had to go back in for surgery. I wasn't going to do that. Did your doctor talk to you about maybe trying to shrink them first?

Also, I have never in this year have any symptoms of menopause. I was very lucky. I don't take anything at all. I take vitamins from GNC, and make sure you keep up on your calcium okay. If you want to email me with questions, I would be happy to talk to you.I had my abdominal hysterectomy last September. I had to have a hysterectomy because I had many large fibroids. I was in the hospital two nights and really think I should have stayed longer. An abdominal hysterectomy, that's considered major surgery, trust me, you don't want to be in the hospital any less time. If your doctor is a good doctor, he will not let you out earlier than that, for fear of possible infection at the very least.

I tell ya, I don't miss the periods every month!!!

I HIGHLY recommend you check out www.hystersisters.com. They helped me EXTREMELY with my questions and advice on hysterectomies. It's a support group and it's FREE.

I wish I'd found the site before I had mine. A lot of my questions and concerns would have been answered with just looking at the responses on this website. But I stumbled on the site a few days after my hysterectomy and learned of various things I should do before the surgery, things I'm entitled to at the hospital (which the hospital doesn't tell you), questions to ask the doctor, etc. It's an awesome site for women.

I hope it helps you, it has helped me and my family and friends



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