Vaginal Hysterectomy?
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my mom had one of her ovaries removed because she had a tumer and she was fine she returned to normal in a couple of weeks and then she got pregnet and had my little sisterI had one of these done back in the 90's and I couldn't believe how easy it was. You feel hardly no pain and your up walking around straight away. Compaired to the poor ladies who had to have a hysterectomy back in the seventies, having to have their stomach cut open and then all the pain and suffering after-wards.
So no I suffered from no mood swings either or bowel problems. I did have a few hot flushes but that's easily over come. So smile things will go well. Cheers and good luck.I had a vaginal hysterectomy in 1993 a still have both ovaries , I had no mood swings, bowel problems, or sexual side effects. Recovery was faster than an abdominal hysterectomy. Just remember you are having surgery and follow your Doctor's discharge instructions. I could not lift over 10lbs, no sweeping, mopping, vacuuming or sex for 6 weeks and no driving for 2 weeks. I felt so much better that it was sometimes hard to remember that I had surgery. Good Luck!There is a great yahoo group called hysterectomy_gals that is full of useful information. Just go to and register. Then put hysterectomy_gals in the search and go to the group and sign up. I had a good size surgical margin taken along with everything else and did experience some changes. Give yourself plenty of time to heal. With myself, I believe some of the nerves took close to a year to completely heal. I lean a little to the side now to empty my bladder. The best thing I remember someone saying to me was that after a while you forget what things were originally like and the new experience becomes your new normal. This is so true.
vaginal hysterectomy?
Best answer:
if Ur only suffering from cystocele and prolapse, u do nt require this srg. there are separate and specialize surgical procedures which will take care of ur both the problems. hysterectomy is not the only ans to it. even if u want to go for it than it is not a v big surgery. some females report post coital pain because during surgery most of ur uterus holding muscles and ligaments are being pulled forward during surgery. that gv rise to pain in even in the late post operative phase. is a great resource for women facing hysterectomy. I had a vaginal hysterectomy earlier this year and relied on the site a lot.
I felt ''myself'' again after about 6 -8 weeks. I then realised about a month later that I felt more ''myself''. I think it is a case of being very introspective and realising you have limitations during recovery. I think we tend to push too hard to get ''back to normal''
I was in hospital for 2 nights. I can only talk from my own experience, I had the op for different reasons to you. I guess that uterine prolapse would be something you wouldn't miss and yes, you would feel better! I needed paracetamol, nothing stronger post operatively, but it's a bit of a 'head trip', all that recovering and stopping, that was the hardest thing for me.
It is major operation and you do notice it! You can't drive for a couple of weeks and lifting a 2 litre milk carton hurts, you need support and help (emotional and physical).
It depends so much on your own personal feelings about the op and your personal circumstances.
Best of luck.
Step by Step Non-Descent Vaginal Hysterectomy (Step By Step Series) (Step By Step Series)
This book has been written to provide instruction in the various techniques of NDVH. The authors firmly believe that the primary route of performing a hysterectomy for non-malignant uterine pathology should be vaginal not laparoscopic. They give a deep insight into the practical methodology and techniques required to carry out NDVH.Consisting of 14 chapters, the book deals with the various procedures, common problems encountered, reasons for failure, complications, case studies, current and future usage and description of the equipment needed to perform NDVH. There are 90 full colour photos to illustrate the content, and a free CD with video of procedures.This book will be an excellent teaching tool for residents and an indispensable companion for practising gynaecologists.Contents1.Introduction 2. Indications and Contraindications for Non-Descent Vaginal Hysterectomy 3. Preoperative and Peroperative Assessment 4. Anaesthetic considerations for Non-Descent Vaginal Hysterectomy (NDVH) 5
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