

Best answer:
I had one 10 years ago at the age of 25. It was painful for about 4 weeks, but got better. Everything felt the same afterwards, but the hormones were the difficult part. I was on hormone replacement therapy, but it wasn't working well. There's alot of controversy over whether to take them or not, but it just worked better for me not to. I had a hard time with hot flashes, but they were less frequent after I stopped taking the hormones, and are pretty much gone now. Intimacy doesn't feel different either. You'll be fine, but it's a process. I hope everything works out for you!I had a total hysto. It took me about 6 weeks to heal well and really be able to do everything I was doing before without pain. But........ it was worth it. First few weeks are very, very painful. Make sure you have someone home with you to do everything for you. Only thing you will be able to do at first is go back and forth to the bathroom, and the first couple days you may need help for that if your bathroom is not really close by.
I answered another question on hystos for the daughter of a woman that was going to have one. Look in my answered questions. There is a lot of info there about what to expect after the surgery.
As for what it feels like, at first it feels really weird and painful. But now it is no different. And I had fibroids so the pain is gone now and of course the great thing..... No More Periods!!!!! Yippee!!
I was premenopausal. Had hot flashes, night sweats, mood swings, my periods were all off kilter. My ob/gyn tried to talk me into HRT. My PCP told me it would be really foolish as the side effects are very bad. So I did not go on it. I'm glad. After the surgery all of my side effects went away. He said they would get worse but they didn't. I feel a lot better.
Best decision I ever made regarding my health.I had a total hysterectomy at 30 years old, I am now 35. Dr. said 6 to 8 weeks to get back to "normal". I went back to work after 4 weeks, I wasn't ready, physically ready, but not mentally ready... I would just start cry for nothing and I mean nothing. I also gained about 45 pounds. Just make sure YOU are ready, no one will know but you if you are ready or not. Oh yeah, beware of the hairs you will grown on your chin, its weird I will see one here and there they grow over night, so always check before you go anywhere if you have any chin hairs, sorry I hate hair on my face. It feels the same down there, but you will go through the feeling of not being a woman, just an "it" because of losing all your stuff. Dr. put me on hormone pills, i took them for a while, they made me a total B****h, and I was crying more and Dr. didn't know what else to do with me, so I just stop taking them. I don't have any problems now, expect for the hair on my chin, but pluck pluck pluck and I am good to go. good luck to you.Hi sunsetts00,
I am Ema and I suggest you this link about menopause symptoms. I hope this will bring you the awareness on menopause symptoms. thanks!

Best answer:
ehhh Tuffy i dk maybe if the doctor feels unsafe... call and ask

girls PLease Answer my questionsI had a hysterectomy and I regret it. I wish I had looked for alternative treatments first. I miss my parts! Hormone therapy is NOT the same as the real thing. Talk to your doctor. I am telling you this because I wish someone would have told me.
I don't think having your period will make a difference to the surgery. But I don't know for sure.my girlfriend just got through having a hysterectomy and they wouldnt do the surgery till she got over her period.

The Essential Guide to Hysterectomy

In clear, conversational language, Dr. Lauren Streicher discusses everything a woman needs to know to make informed choices about this often-controversial subject, including emotions and sex after surgery, hormone replacement, and much more.

List Price: $ 19.95

Price: $ 4.50

Orignal From: Hysterectomy?

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