
How do you know if you need hormones replacement after a complete histerectomy?`?

How do you know if you need hormones replacement after a complete histerectomy?`?
Best answer:
I dont know what you mean by complete, but if your ovaries were removed also, then yes, of course you are in menopause and would benefit from hormone therapyYou're going through a forced menopause.

When you have a hysterectomy, it automatically brings on the menopause.

If you're not on any medication, go and see you doctor, explain all the symtoms and you'll probably be given HRT. I'm very surprised they haven't discussed with you prior to the hysterectomy, that is shocking practice on their part.

Good luck.sorry to hear your in such misery i feel your pain 7th week after surgry for me total abdominal hysterectomy they put me on hrt 1 week after surgry ,was having same problems ,very upset over nothing ,crying spurts,u name it.Im starting to feel better it takes time to heel and u need something,goodluck go to dr


Image by Proudfoottt

How old do you have to be to get a histerectomy?
Best answer:
I think you need to be 18 years or older, but you could try double-checking with your Doctor.
13 years old does seem young though,probably 18 but think about it before you do it because you can never have kidsEven with your parents permission (which would be necessary) few doctors would perform an unneeded operation on someone so young. You could turn around and sue them later.ask my wife, just about any other option is better. Not like you can remove a major item like that and be normal.most physicians want do hysterectomy's for young women they try conventional methods 1st. Also endometriosis will not effect child bearing and is usually not resolved with surgery unless the conventional methods of treatment doesn't work. if surgery is an options they do what is called an endometrial ablation were they go in and remove the endometritis. so for questions like this please dont consult the general public talk to your physician to get the most accurate information.Getting Ready for a Hysterectomy? Then You Want ...
"The Worried Woman's Guide to a Happy Hysterectomy"You don't get a hysterectomy because you are diagnosed with endometriosis. My niece has 4 kids and she's had it for years.

You are WAY too young to even think about this. No doctor would do a hysterectomy--even if you have endometriosis. You would have to have other problems/conditions and a lot older.Hysterectomy is a last resort treatment for endometriosis. Nobody would do a hysterectomy on a child unless there was cancer involved.

Hysterectomy takes away your ability to have children, so until your family is complete, you don't want that. (Later, however, it can be great)

There are many treatments for endometriosis. You need to discuss this with your Mom and a gynecologist.

Good luck.If your doctor determined that your life might be in danger... i.e. uterine cancer, he might suggest that you have a hysterectomy. Otherwise I imagine you have to wait until your 18.I think they should do them on anyone who wants one and if you regret it later cause you can't have kids no more then it's your fault.

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