
How many days do you stay in the hospital after uterine fibroid surgery?

How many days do you stay in the hospital after uterine fibroid surgery?
Best answer:
It's often a day if it's for a single, uncomplicated, fibroid. Your OB/Gyn will be able to tell you their estimates based on your radiologic and clinical findings.1 day, they only keep you longer if there are complicationsSo you don't know if you have one or not? Unless it's huge, it doesn't interfere with having children. After mine were found, dr told me almost every woman has them. But anyway, you'll be in day surgery and after recovery, probably sent home. Overnight stay at the most.

How Big?
fibroid surgery

Image by The_Smiths

How is pelvic support surgery and having a fibroid removed?
Best answer:
she will not be allowed to lift anything ,and will have to take it easy for 3 monthsHi Lizzy. I had it done, and went home the next day. It was no where near as bad as i expected it to be. She will be tired, and sore from the incision, but i didn't even take pain medication once i went home ( needed Demerol in the hospital, but that was right after surgery, and only took it once ). It took me a few months to feel 100% again, but that was just mostly a tired feeling after i would shop, or try to clean the house, etc. I'm sure she'll do just fine. I wish her a speedy recovery. <<>>

had known before surgery in patients with uterine fibroids surgery required reading

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