
Hysterectomy Surgery?

Hysterectomy Surgery?
Best answer:
go with your mind before you run out of timeI had a total hysterectomy and kept both ovaries at the age of 29. Please check out www.hystersisters.com
This is not something you should rush into unless you have cancer or something life threatening. There are also many different ways a hysterectomy can be done and some are better than others. Depending on why you need the surgery is a concern. You can look at the different types available at the link I posted below. Also if you have any bladder issues you may need to consult with a urologist to make sure you don't need surgery. I had to do this even though I did not need anything else done during my surgery but I did have to have an in office procedure because my big uterus was sitting on my bladder causing me to not be able to empty my bladder. If you do consult with a urologist then it's best to have surgery if needed done at the same time going with both doctor schedules. When I decided I needed a hysterectomy (bled up to two weeks and was on Vicodin for pain) it still took about a month and a half to get on the surgery schedule and a couple weeks to get in with the urologist but some have a month waiting list to see a urologist. Make sure you have a good doctor and it's wise to get a second opinion. Some doctors screw up so if you don't trust your doctor make sure you get one that is highly recommended and one that you trust. A Hysterectomy is MAJOR surgery with a six week recovery time. Some women with vaginal hysterectomies can have well over 200 internal stitches and that's a lot to heal. The end of the year is not that far away and it will give you a chance to look at hystersisters and make sure you really should do this. If you are to anemic they may not do surgery or they may have you take iron supplements but sometimes even then for some women iron supplements are still not enough. Make sure you have pleanty of time off for work and make sure that you are certain you want to go through this major permanet non-reversal surgery.

Please feel free to contact me and ask more. Yahoo answers hides everyones email so you can send messages privately. You won't see anyones email and they won't see yours. You can just look over the profile options and choose to be contacted through email. Also make sure you're familiar with the correct terms because when you go sign the papers for surgery you don't them doing something you thought you understood as something else. For example my pre-op paper stated total vaginal hysterectomy possible total abdominal surgery. My doctor said I could keep my ovaries if they were healthy and they were so I just lost my uterus and cervix but kept both ovaries. If you have endometriosis or adenomyosis you may not want to keep your cervix because some women who have had this continue to have mini periods or bleed every month and why go through major surgery if they will still have periods? Anyway arm yourself with information.

The term hyster refers to the removal of the uterus.
A total hysterecotmy is removal of the uterus including the cervix
A partial or subtotal is when the cervix is kept
Removal of the ovaries and tubes is called a bilateral salpingo oopherectomy

"Hysterectomy Defined
A hysterectomy is the surgical removal of the uterus, otherwise known as the womb. Rarely is a hysterectomy an emergency surgery. There is usually considerable time to research and explore options for discussions with your personal surgeon.

"Description of Hysterectomy
During a hysterectomy the uterus is completely or partially removed. The fallopian tubes and ovaries may also be removed depending on the health needs of the woman.

Total Hysterectomy
A total hysterectomy is removal of the entire uterus which includes the cervix. A radical hysterectomy is the removal of the uterus, the tissue on both sides of the cervix (parametrium), and the upper part of the vagina.
Partial Hysterectomy
A partial (or supracervical) hysterectomy is removal of just the upper portion of the uterus, leaving the cervix intact.

Hysterectomy Types
A hysterectomy may be done through an abdominal incision - Abdominal Hysterectomy

A hysterectomy may be done through a vaginal incision - Vaginal Hysterectomy

A hysterectomy may be done completely through laparoscopic incisions (small incisions on the abdomen -- Laparoscopic Hysterectomy.

A hysterectomy may be done completely through the use of a robotic surgical device through small incisions in the abdomen - da Vinci® Hysterectomy.

Your physician will help you decide which type of hysterectomy is most appropriate for you, depending on your medical history and the reason for your surgery."

I went into surgery knowing a lot more and I was less scared. I was looking forward to it and there is an area on hystersisters that has guidelines about what to do and not to do after surgery. Make sure you have help because you will need it. It's not like having a baby because a baby comes out. It's removing a major organ and complications can occur even death.
I had a spinal and epidural with my hysterectomy and loved the epidural that stayed in for post op pain. There is so much info I have in my email and other posts. If you add me as a contact you can look up my responses to other posts and/or you can email me by clicking on contact.

DaVinci robotic hysterectomy_0009_edited-2.jpg
hysterectomy surgery

Image by Barnkat

After Emergency Hysterectomy surgery my husband is mean and wierd?
Best answer:
If he is mad at you because of that whilst you're recovering he's a very selfish man indeed. You say you have three children; perhaps he was hopeful that one day you'd have another child and now you cannot and it's upset him.

I would ask him what's wrong and try and get him to be honest about it because it isn't fair on you.have you had time to talk to you husband about what's happened and how you feel? With the "emergency" surgery, perhaps there wasn't time to sit down and talk.Your theory could be correct.but this situation is common. Men can't cope with their woman being unwell in any way.
From his point of view he's worried about you. He perhaps has to do more domestic chores while you are recovering. The children if small are no doubt upset because you are ill so are not being as good as usual. Men are not good at all this multi tasking.
I hope you get better very soon and your relation gets back to the happy way you were.If he is angry because you cannot be intimate then he is an inconsiderate prxxx. How sad it is that you have come this far in your marriage and he turns into a selfish b.

Orignal From: Hysterectomy Surgery?

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