
Q&A: Have any of the ladies ever had a hysterectomy and if so what were the effects on your sex life afterwards.?

Have any of the ladies ever had a hysterectomy and if so what were the effects on your sex life afterwards.?
Best answer:
If its just a hysterectomy without the ovaries being removed there won't be much change to your sex life. Its only when ovaries are removed that the sex drive diminishes. But today women are receiving the testosterone hormone to enhance their sex drive. There is a period of recovery after hysterectomy depending on how the hysterectomy is performed (vaginal or abdominal). After the vaginal hysterectomy recovery is faster. You can read all about hysterectomy here:
http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&rls=com.microsoft%3Aen-US&q=hysterectomy&btnG=SearchI had a hysterectomy about seven years ago and it was the best thing that every happened to me. I do not have to worry about a period and I can have sex anytime I like. And no, my sex life did not deteriorate. It only got better. I still have my eggs.I had my hysterectomy five years ago and also it was the greatest thing ever. I had a total abdominal hysterectomy but nothing changed as far as sex drive. I use the Estradiol Patch as hormone replacement therapy which cuts down on the symptoms of surgical menopause. Good luck.i had everything removed. my sex life afterward has been great except when i am not dating obviously. it feels tighter. husband will love that. dont have to worry about getting pregnant. thats the best part. every woman is different.

What are the symptoms of ovarian cancer vs. ovarian cysts?
Best answer:
It is usually not best to diagnose yourself without about 10 years of medical education and specialization - and even then it isn't a good idea. Make an appointment with your ob/gyn or family practitioner if you are worried about it.

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