
I had a historectomy in 1999 and I keep a thick white discharge why?

I had a historectomy in 1999 and I keep a thick white discharge why?
Best answer:
It sounds like some kind of infection. Too bad you can't have a doctor check it. There is a douche you can buy, says medical or something that has iodine in it. Try douching several days in a row with that and see if it clears up. Otherwise you really really need to see a doctor.First off I wouldn't use a douche. It sounds like some kind of infection. If it is an infection and you douche it could make it it worse. I understand you have no medical insurance, but do you have a Planned Parenthood or Community Health Clinic or any place like that in your area? Please try and see a Dr. or health care provider.

What is the recovery from a historectomy like?
Best answer:
i have an oopherctomy 3 weeks ago and spoke to alot of people on the same ward as me who had it done.. your procedure is basically like mine and i was told 2 weeks in bed for recovery but a week later and i was back on my feet.. just cannot do any thing stupid like lifting, carrying, standing for long periods, hoovering you get the drift... they recommend 12 weeks of taking it easy.. good luckbad and there is always a huge risk for infection - my aunt had this and she also had a massive infection plus you have to pack up some gauze in the incision site at times you will have to ask more about this from your dr but it is very massive surgery - i am sorry to hear that u need this - my aunt was so sick she had to go to the dr and have them lance and drain it and then a visiting nurse had to come to her house every day for like 2 weeks or longer to pack this and wash it out for her it was huge mess

and yes it was extremly painful for her bc she had a infection with a high fever - if you get a fever at all and i mean at all call your dr or go to the ER right away dont take any chances at all with this
after or during her surgery was when she got the infection etc -On average it may take about 3 to 6 months for complete recovery.My mom took about 4 weeks to seem like she felt kinda normal around it. I would give at least 6-8 weeks to heal.


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Price: $ 35.00

Orignal From: I had a historectomy in 1999 and I keep a thick white discharge why?

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