
My mom just undergo uterine prolapse surgery last month and?

My mom just undergo uterine prolapse surgery last month and?
Best answer:
It's not the doctor's fault your mom is having a problem. If she didn't follow the after care instructions she was given, and did things that would stress her tissues while they were still healing- it's not a surprise the stitches gave way and the problem has returned. There isn't much else they can do except prescribe pain relief and redo the repairs. It's also possible no repair can be done, and she will simply need a hysterectomy at this point to solve the problem permanently. Her choice is surgery or pain for now. Eventually, the uterus will prolapse to the point that total removal will be the only option left. I would recommend the surgery, and then that she follow ALL the after care instructions to the letter. It's not the doctor's at fault here, it's your mother's failure to do what she was supposed to do. If you don't follow the directions, you can't be surprised when things happen you don't like. That's the choice she has to make. Surgery or pain, and eventually- surgery anyway, only more radical.

Uterine prolapse at 31 yrs old?
Best answer:
They usually try to do surgery to put it back into place if it is bad enough. It is common in any woman that has had a child.http://www.beliefnet.com/healthandhealing/getcontent.aspx?cid=11477
Google - Uterine prolapse - and get more information.
You could need surgery and having children is the usual cause. Why have more..??No, it is not common for someone at your age to go through uterine prolapse. That said, it does happen, basically it means that your uterine wall weakened (probably from childbirth) and for whatever reason was never able to go back to its prior state. There are a few treatments but the one I am familiar with is surgical repair, as far as I know the surgical option is the only treatment that would allow you to carry more children. There is also a device (pessary, i think) that gets inserted which holds up the uterine wall. Whatever you choose, the best thing is to see your gynecologist right away, the sooner you get it evaluated the better the chances of having it repaired. Good luck.

Cytogenetic causes for some Reproductive Disorders: Chromsomal Aberrations,Uterine Prolapse,Freemartins, Repeat breeder

This textbook provides a detailed view of the relationship between reproductive inefficiency due to developmental disturbance in the reproductive system (Testicular hypoplasia; intersexuality including freemartins) and chromosomal constitution in domestic animals has so far been confined to sex chromosome aneuploidies; mosaicism and chimerism. A major objective of the book is to draw attention to information which may be used directly to increase the efficiency of reproduction of domestic animals. The present work proved a relationship between some of certain pathological conditions, in cattle and buffaloes, and chromosomal aberrations.

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