
Q&A: Can you out-grow Mitral Valve Prolapse?!?

Can you out-grow Mitral Valve Prolapse?!?
Best answer:
NopeCardiologists sometimes differ on the criteria for calling mild MVP (moderate or severe MVP is pretty unmistakable). I am an echo tech, and I have seen 2 different doctors read an echo, and one will call MVP, and the other won't. Sometimes it can be a technical error as well, because the mitral valve can "appear" to prolapse if the technician is not imaging at the correct angle. Any significant MVP will produce valvular regurgitation, so if the valve is not leaking significantly, then I doubt there is a serious problem.

What could these symptoms be?
Best answer:
What I would do is get 20 hours of sleep a day.do you think it could be some sort of hypochondria? maybe you should look into mental exams. i know that these symptoms feel real to you, but there are a variety of mental disorders that can lead to percieved and actual physical symptoms.I don't know what it could be but I hope it is not something that you could die from. I know that nobody would want to die from something as terrible as that. I really and truly hope that you get better. To me you are still at an age in between. I'd rather die from natural deaf than a disastrous death.A. How long has this been going on?

B. What other health problems do you have? Even random things like depression or eczema.

C. What medications are you on? Herbs? Supplements?

D. What kind of diet do you eat?

E. Have they tested you for any autoimmune diseases?

Also, make sure they test you for celiac disease. I have it and one of the symptoms I had was numbness and tingling. There was a study awhile back in people with unexplained neurological problems and like 40% of them tested positive for it. Specialists suggest that anyone with suspected MS, fibromyalgia or any unexplained neurological problems get tested for it because it's so common (about 1 in 100 have celiac and 1 in 7 have non-celiac gluten intolerance)

http://www.celiac.com/articles/1106/1/Celiac-Disease-Symptoms/Page1.htmlIt could be Cervical Spondylosis.you need to have a neck x-rayI think you have wrong category for this question. This is Infectious Diseases. The MRI should be helpful in diagnosing or ruling out MS once the report has been dictated. There are more than 50 symptoms of MS and a dozen people with it could all have symptoms different from each other. It can be hard to diagnose. The numbness & pain could be symptoms but these can be caused by other conditions too. Your PVCs and elevated B/P may be the result of anxiety. I wouldn't be surprised. Glad you understand how to use the Valsalva maneuver. And this also sounds like fibromyalgia, too. Pain and numbness. And both can cause fatigue. You may wish to ask about evoked potential testing and a lumbar puncture.

The American College of Rheumatology guidelines for diagnosing fibromyalgia require widespread pain throughout your body for at least three months. "Widespread" is defined as pain on both sides of your body, as well as above and below your waist. In addition, the ACR guidelines direct doctors to test 18 points on your body for tenderness. ACR criteria state that pain at 11 of the points may indicate fibromyalgia.

I couldn't say with any confidence what this might be. I say wait and see what the MRI report says.

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