
Can i bring my own incontinence supplies to the hospital?

Can i bring my own incontinence supplies to the hospital?
Best answer:
I'd bring it.no, they won't use them anyway..& you'll probably just end up losing them;; if you are in the hospital, you MAY be inserted with a catheter depending on the surgery...so ya won't need them;; you will also be somewhat bedridden, so what does it matter if they are the best or not...let them supply you..you have to pay for them anyway..& again, they won't use your products from home..they will use the ones they order for you;; your incontinence problems will be the least of your concerns..as should be...

TENA Duo protection layer against faecal incontinence - SCA

Image by SCA Svenska Cellulosa Aktiebolaget

How do I stop urinary incontinence?
Best answer:
They make mens pant liners now days so if you piss yourself they take all the flood of water. Then when you get to the next bus shelter take your trousers and pants off and change the wet liner, putting the wet one in the bin to be recycled by the next unluckey pisser person.

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