
My doctor wants me to have a Vaginal Hysterectomy?

My doctor wants me to have a Vaginal Hysterectomy?
Best answer:
I am in the exact position you are. You're lucky though, you have your kids. Im 34 and havent had any. Maybe try talking to a therapist or a hospital councilor. I know I cant give you any answers you are looking for but I thought it might help a bit knowing you're not alone in your worries.I can't answer as far as your emotional aspect but if you are really sure that you do not want anymore children then you wont even feel any different if they remove your uterus other than not having to deal with your period anymore...sex will not be any different from when before your problems started at all probably better once they get everything back where it belongs...with a vaginal hysterectomy you will have no scars...so just keep in mind that the way things are now you are in pain..if you have the procedure and once everything heals you will feel so much better and sex will be great.....I really think that you need to talk to someone before you make this decision...best of luck to you and get well soon whatever decision that you make...I had a uterine prolapse following the birth of 4 children. All I can tell you is that it transformed my life. My periods were horrendous, I was losing urine, and the uterus was bulging out of my vagina. It was uncomfortable and a constant pain. I felt MORE of a woman after it what done. I felt feminine again, clean and youthful.. I had a vaginal hysterectomy, so there were no scars. All that is removed is the uterus. So it will not harm your sex life in any way at all, in fact, it will enhance it. Yes, it is a sad thought that you will have no more children, but surely, there will come a time in your life when that is the case anyway. Please try and think of this as a good thing.. you are being given the chance to get your body back. Just think of how women must have suffered in the old days. You can be rid of this weight, and feel so much better again. And also consider the fact tht as you get older, it will get worse.. Don;t waste precious years.Have the surgery. Your doctor wouldn't do it if it was not necessary. This isn't a nose job we're talking about here. No one will know, so anyone's views of you will not change. As far as orgasms, they do not happen in the uterus- the are from the clitoris, g-spot and/or vaginal canal.
(Look these up- www.3dvulva.com)

Aside from the physical problem here, you need some serious therapy!! You are not living- you are existing! Don't you want more out of life than freak outs and panic attacks?

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Orignal From: My doctor wants me to have a Vaginal Hysterectomy?

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