What can I do for my best friend who just found out she has uterine cancer?
Best answer:
Once you let her know that you are there for her don't bug her all the time asking her if she's okay but just be normal and talk to her and go out like you used to do. If you make a big deal out of it she could get emotional but if you act normal but let her know that you are there to talk , it should be okay.Being a cancer survivor I can say that finding a group support on her area will help her a lot. Knowing that she is not along and sharing information with other people with similar problems will be a great help to her. Positive actitud is the most important thing, never give up, be a good listener, support, support, support....Contact the American Cancer SocietyHi Living-in-Seattle,
I would do the best possible thing for her that a good friend could ever do. And that is to help her rid her body of cancer. Cancer is not a death sentence, nor is it incurable. If you believe the main stream doctors, chemo news, the American Cancer Society, then no, there is no cure. But that is not true.
I am not a doctor, I don't want to sell anything - I am only trying to give you some of the knowledge that I have found after thousand of hours of research. In December 2008 I was admitted to the hospital with cancer on my spine. I couldn't move at all. Yet I refused chemo, I refused surgery, I refused radiation. I checked myself out and within 5 weeks was perfectly normal with no more cancer. That is a true story.
Do a Google search on Johanna Budwig - you will find tons of websites. It is her diet method that cures. If you would like further proof, other than my testimony above, I can provide you with hundreds of names and emails of many others who have also been easily cured of cancer - and that includes all types of cancer.
If you wish, I can also send to you some free cancer books, in pdf format. They explain everything in easy to read detail. There is no cost to the Budwig method, other then buying flaxseed oil at any health food store.
By the way, Dr Budwig was born in Germany in 1908. She passed away in 2003 at the age of 95. She has been referred to as a top European Cancer Research Scientist, Biochemist, Blood Specialist, German Pharmacologist, and Physicist. Dr Budwig was a seven-time Nobel Prize nominee. That is a pretty huge accomplishment. During her time she also cured thousands of patients, even those severe cases.
Again, there are so many websites on her cures and teachings. Here is just one....
Her method is an alternative treatment, one that works well. You won't hear about it from the mainstream medical establishment. Without going into much detail here, cancer is a big money making business, especially chemo, and any known cancer cures are frowned upon or seldom mentioned.
If I can help you by providing any further information, I would enjoy helping. Thank You - Maria
Image by Seiya234
Can anyone tell me anything about uterine cancer? How is it bad? What are the treatments for it?
Best answer:
webmd.comGo to the American Cancer Society website
www.cancer.org The site is extremely user friendly and will give you details on all types of cancer, tests, treatment options, what to expect during and after treatment. You can also call their call center 24 hours a day at 1-800-ACS-2345 There are highly trained, live people on the line to answer all your questions.
Fear of the unknown is the worst.There are different types, stages, and grades with Uterine (Endometrial) cancer so keep that in mind when you conduct research. Check the following information websites:
NCI: Endometrial Cancer
ACS: Endometrial Cancer
NCCN: Clinical Guidelines for Uterine Cancer
http://www.nccn.org/professionals/physician_gls/PDF/uterine.pdfI have the perfect information than everybody else! Type in the U.R.L., Medicine Net.com , it will provide you all the information you need to know about Uterine Cancer!DIAGNOSIS--
The following was copied from an Internet news group.
Why would I rely on your backward methods for diagnosing cancer, that is, with invasive procedures such as biopsies and radiation from CT scans?? Are you aware that when a person has cancer they have elevated levels of hCGH in their urine? This can sometime be detected with a pregnancy test if the hCGH levels are high enough.
Because I had a dozen visible lesions or more and testicular pain, I screened myself with a simple pregnancy test. In my case the levels were high enough to register positive. Since I'm a man, and I had lesions and pain, it was quite obvious that I had cancer.
So once again, the macabre ways you are familiar with for diagnosing and treating cancer patients are unnecessary.
Let me add a caveat, pregnancy tests don't always show positive when a person has cancer because the hCGH levels aren't always high enough. But if they are high enough...bingo! It's a great way to to uncover cancer cheaply and painlessly.
There is a more sophisticated pregnancy test that is about 98% accurate and picks up malignancies six months to two years prior to other methods of screening. The downside to that test right now is that you have to send away for the results and there is a six week turn around on the results.
One more thing. The hCGH conection is yet another piece of evidence that cancer cells are trophoblast cells that have been turned on. It's the unitarian theory of cancer which was first discovered by a Dr. Beard about 100 years ago.
Trophoblast cells release hCGH as a byproduct of its activity. In pregnancy it plays a role in producing life by invasively eating a niche in the uterine wall. In cancer, the same invasiveness causes destruction. But the trophoblast cells can be turned off easily as my own case helps to demonstrate.
In conclusion, in this thread we're discussing the merits of a variety of deadly chemo agents in a case that is so far advanced that the only outcome from the chemo is going to be negative. It's a case of 'pretending' to be doing something. The doctors want to help. Unfortunately their tools aren't suited to the task. But psychologically they must believe, especially when it can be difficult to tell the patient you have nothing to offer them.
Meanwhile, the only methods that work are the ones that turn off the trophoblast cells while supporting the healthy cells....which happen to be the vast majority of the cells. Chemo fails in the latter. And instead of turning off the trophoblast cells, they kill them. It's a recipe for disaster.
In 1990, I had Hodgkin's Lymphoma, stage 3-B, but I've survived. My doctors were great people, but they were limited to surgery, chemo and radiation by profitable AMA treatment policy. During the year in treatment, I started learning about alternative medicine. I'm a retired engineer, and this is what I've pieced together--our IMMUNE SYSTEMS become weakened by poor nutrition, lack of exercise and reduced oxygen. Once that happens, our body becomes vulnerable to common STRESSORS. Stressors can be environmental, like viruses, heavy metals, pesticides, food additives, electromagnetic waves or pollution. They can be internal things like emotional or job stress, or poisonous people in our lives. Aging is also a contributing factor. So this means:
WEAK IMMUNE SYSTEM + STRESSORS = DISEASE (cancer, diabetes, heart disease, etc.)
Our bodies have 60 trillion--yes, trillion--cells, and there are always some mutating into cancer cells, but a healthy immune system kills them before they have a chance to get a foothold in the body.
It takes a LONG time, usually, or a high level of stressors, to weaken the immune system to the point where it won't do its job, but once cancer has formed, it will generally spread rapidly.
THIS IS IMPORTANT! There are ways to BEAT cancer that are currently being used in Europe and around the world, and there are some great books on the subject. I know because I've read about 50 of them from cover to cover. Here's a list of the best ones. Some are out of print and getting hard to find--
"The Cure for All Cancers", ISBN 0963632825
"The Cure for All Advanced Cancers", ISBN 1890035165
"A Cancer Therapy", ISBN 0882681052
"Oxygen Therapies", ISBN 0962052701
"Hydrogen Peroxide--Medical Miracle", ISBN 1885236077
"The Natural Cure for Cancer--Germanium", ISBN 0533071410
"Killing Cancer", ISBN 0705000966
"Natural Cures 'They' Don't Want You to Know About", ISBN 0975599518
I know of people whose cancer has 'spontaneously remitted' (WENT AWAY for no known reason) AFTER they went on programs of herbs and nutrition to restart their immune systems.
You and your family must look out for yourselves to stand a chance of being healthy. This is not a joke, and I'm not selling anything--just trying to help.
I am using the things I learned in those books right now to fight off a second infestation of cancer. I've been at it for over a year now, and think I'm going to make it. Use what works for you, and pass on your success. Best of luck.
The American Medical Association (AMA) and the pharmaceutical companies control medical law and the FDA in this country with heavy lobbying and a revolving door policy. WHY would they want to do this? It's about the money. In 2006, medicine (doctors, hospitals, researchers and pharmaceutical firms) received 2.1 TRILLION dollars--15% of the total earnings (GNP 13.7 trillion) in the U.S. This is astounding! It means MILLIONS of people worked the whole year just to pay the nation's medical expenses!! That's totally astounding, and just too big to care about individuals.
http://www.altcancer.com/vidgal.htm#hoxseyUterine cancer is more common in post menopausal women. Usually it is detected early because patients will have vaginal bleeding after they have been menopausal. (patients who are menopausal will often have a change in their period where they are heavier, last longer, or have spotting between periods) This is the most common gynecologic cancer and usually most curable (if detected early). The two treatments are surgical or radiation. Radiation is usually done on those who can not tolerate a surgery. It has a 15-20% less cure rate than surgery. Surgery is a hysterectomy, removal of ovaries and possibly lymph node removal depending on how much cancer is found. This is usually diagnosed with an ultrasound and an in office procedure called an endometrial biopsy or a small surgery called a D&C. Hope that helps!
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Orignal From: What can I do for my best friend who just found out she has uterine cancer?
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