
What ia an Umbilical Wall and Uterine Wall?and what does it have to do with a Amniocetesis?

What ia an Umbilical Wall and Uterine Wall?and what does it have to do with a Amniocetesis?
Best answer:
uterine wall is the wall of the uterus, its inner lining goes off every now and then causing menstruation, remember? the umbilical wall is just the lining of the umbilical cord that houses the blood vessels(umbilical artery and vein) and such, connecting the fetus or baby with the placenta. placenta connects with the uterine wall for excange of diss. gases and food/ minerals/ antibodies frm mother to baby.
bilirubin is mainly produced in liver wen red blood cells are disintigrated. its bad for the body when it accumulates, so is removed through the bile duct in faeces (which is actually s h i t).This link will show you the steps to performing an amnio:


Uterine wall is the wall of the uterus (where the fetus grows). This wall is punctured with a needle in order to obtain the amniotic fluid.
Bilirubin is a byproduct of hemoglobin. Elevated levels indicate a liver or gallbladder problem. I'm not sure how this is connected with an amnio.

Info on bilirubin:

Rinsing Uterine Curette

Image by VCU Libraries

Uterine Fibroids: The Complete Guide (A Johns Hopkins Press Health Book)

You've called in sick today. Your back and legs hurt. Your abdomen is bloated and more than a little uncomfortable. You are having your period, and the bleeding is so heavy you can't even think about leaving the house. You have uterine fibroids.One in every four women see their lives affected by uterine fibroids, which can cause heavy bleeding, abdominal bloating, pain, and infertility. The symptoms can be mildly annoying or life altering in severity. Until recently, hysterectomy was the only way to cure fibroids, and each year more than 200,000 hysterectomies are performed in the United States to treat these noncancerous growths. But hysterectomy isn't always the best solution. The procedure can be devastating for women who were planning to get pregnant, and it is a significant surgery for anyone. In this comprehensive and compassionate guide, Dr. Elizabeth A. Stewart helps women understand the treatment options now available.An internationally recognized expert on fibroids, Dr. Stewa

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Price: $ 22.74

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