Uterine Prolapse
Q&A: Uterus fibroid surgery? ?
Uterus fibroid surgery? ?
Best answer:
It would depend on the size of the fibroids and whether they are on the inside of the uterus or the outside of the uterus.
If the fibroid is small and on the inside the doctor can remove it with a special instrument called a hysteroscope. If it's small and on the outside of the uterus the doctor can remove it with the help of a laparoscope.
I have the link to a site that might be able to help you find more information. If you are interested in checking it out please e-mail me off site any time with the subject line: "Uterine Fibroid Treatment link" so that I will know what it's in regards to.From what i have seen there are a few different options for surgery and most of them are at least a little bit untrusive. There are also statistics that show the fibroids can grow back after these surgeries and some can make it very hard to get pregnant afterwards as well.
There are soem who suggest you can shrink them naturally though, this article might help:
Natural Cures For Fibroids - Do They Work?
Fibroids or Uterine Fibroids are growths that occur in a woman's uterus (the womb) that can grow quite large and cause problems for the woman who suffers from this malady. Natural cures for fibroids are often treated with very little respect by traditional medical doctors who will often recommend dangerous surgery options to remove the fibroids as the only path forward.
This is strange as natural cures for other female afflictions such as PCOS and more have been used to help women that modern medicine cannot cure for years. Herbal remedies, Chinese medicine, massage, acupuncture, diet and many other options that do not include surgery are often said to cure almost anything and even skeptics admit that there is a definite benefit to many of these things but how do they stack up versus modern medicine and surgery for uterine fibroid reduction?
Read the rest here:
i am having surgery on fibroid what to expect?
Best answer:
Good luck. Why are they doing a laparotomy versus a less invasive laparoscopy? Laparoscopy is safer, confers a quicker healing time and can be used to perform virtually any pelvic surgery if the surgeon knows what he or she is doing. In any event, you can expect to have pain for upwards of at least a week thereafter. The healing process is a lengthy one; even if you feel better, there is still healing going on inside. Activities will likely be limited by your doc (restrictions on exercise, lifting, sex, etc. etc.) until he or she deems permissible in your own case. There may be some vaginal bleeding the first day or so; it is normal, but if it is bright red and excessive, or accompanied by fever, cramping, etc., you should definitely let your doc know immediately. You will be given something for pain; take it. The important thing is to heal and allow your body to rest after surgery. You may feel as if you have an irritated bladder afterwards from the catheter; this should dissipate in a day or so. Light foods like broths and soups are good to have on hand, as are high waisted/loose pants or even dresses...you will have at the very least one incision that you will not want bothered by the waist of jeans or sweats. Showering and bandage changes will be dictated by your doc. Once you have healed up, you will be glad the fibroid has been treated...your anemia will reverse and you will feel better overall. Good luck.
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Q&A: Is It Possible That U Can Die From A Total hysterectomy, or worst?Or What Are Complications After?
Is It Possible That U Can Die From A Total hysterectomy, or worst?Or What Are Complications After?
Best answer:
it has all the risks associated with a major surgery and anaesthesia.I'm really sorry to say that death is a possibility-- but it's a small one, and any competent surgical team can keep a patient from even coming close to crashing in the O.R., assuming a textbook procedure. I'm assuming by total hysterectomy, you mean she is also getting her ovaries removed. My mom had a complete hysterectomy a while back, and I really wish it hadn't been necessary-- your mom should NOT get this done unless there's no other viable option. My mom has to take hormones for the rest of her life, because she no longer has ovaries to do that for her, and these are the same synthetic hormones that have been linked to bone density loss, so she has to worry about osteoporosis as well. Complete hysterectomies can slam the brakes on a woman's metabolism, so weight gain is a great possibility. Check out this website, and talk to her and make sure this is the best plan of action she and her doctors have. http://www.womenshealthcaretopics.com/hysterectomy.htm
Has anyone had complications after having a hysterectomy?
Best answer:
well my mother had one and all i can say is that she was bleeding for a couple of monthsTHERE ARE KNOWN COMPLICATIONS AFTER HYSTERECTOMY BUT YOU SHOULD GOBACK TO THE DR TO MAKE SURE THERE IS NOTHING LEFT MEANING THE REMOVAL OF YOUR UTERUS WAS A SUCCESS... IF NOT YOU MAY HAVE A LAWSUITtry excersice to tighten the muscle while u sit try making the vaginal move with out moving your body try the squeezeMy wife had one 3 years ago and doctors left it. It turned out to be cancer and she is still fighting it. DO NOT HESITATE GETTING TREATMENT BECAUSE IT MAY COST YOUR LIFE AND YOUR KIDS WONT HAVE A MUM
Vaginal Hysterectomy: Indications, Technique, and Complications (American lecture series)
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Price: $ 48.75
Orignal From: Q&A: Is It Possible That U Can Die From A Total hysterectomy, or worst?Or What Are Complications After?
jogging and lower digestive tract pain causes?
jogging and lower digestive tract pain causes?
Best answer:
Levator Ani Syndrome possibly go to the doc and get them to check it out hope it all gets better soon
I put a link in the source bar with info on Levator Ani Syndrome
Image by rikkis_refuge
Could straining on the toilet cause me to strain/pull a muscle in my pelvis?
Best answer:
Yes. One should never strain. Better to wait and try again later.yes,if your having problems going to the bathroom,why not try some glycerin supositories?after insertion they should ease things along without the need to strain,too much straining can also cause hemorroids which is painful
Pelvic Dysfunction in Men: Diagnosis and Treatment of Male Incontinence and Erectile Dysfunction (Wiley Series in Nursing)

Following on from the first book entitled 'Conservative treatment of Male Urinary Incontinence and Erectile Dysfunction' this book has been expanded to include seven new chapters and existing chapters have been extensively updated. It is written primarily for those specialist continence physiotherapists who are unsure of the treatment for male patients with lower urinary tract symptoms.The classification of male urinary incontinence has been restructured in line with the International Continence Society standardisation of terminology. The subjective and objective physiotherapy assessment is covered chronologically, to enable the clinician to conduct a meaningful investigation and arrive at a logical diagnosis.
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