
Q&A: hysterectomy complications?

hysterectomy complications?
Best answer:
I didn't have any pain and I went back to work after ten days. I had laproscopic surgery. The kind of surgery you had might make a difference.If you had an incision for your hysterectomy, I would think you would still be in pain after this surgery. I was not truly back to normal for at least three months after mine. I did go back to work for a couple of hours a day after a month, but could not climb stairs or lift anything heavy. This is a traumatic, difficult surgery to recover from, depending on your age, and you should not rush getting well. Take it as easy as possible, eat healthy, get plenty of sleep and let others take care of you for a change.

hope this helps..

What are major complications of having a hysterectomy at age 41? ?
Best answer:
Your doctor should have gone over the complications with you. You should have also been given enough time to think about this as well as discussing it with your family. There is a risk with every surgery but I'm sure you'll be fine..I have two friends whose mothers have died right after having this procedure. Good luck, though!You are very young to be have this op so that means you will do
well. The most major complication of any surgery is death of course
but no surgeon is going to operate on you if they think you will die
unless it is a super emergency like you will die without the operation
so I wouldn't worry about that. To be frank I have never heard of one
woman who regretted having the op with the exception of a friend
who wanted to have more kids but couldn't. you will go through a
period of recovery of 6 to 8 weeks and it will be painful to move around after you come home from the hospital but it is just like menopause
only a lot sooner and less problems. Good luck!Bless your heart! You won't miss the monthly ordeal one bit! Congrats!

That said, if you're also losing your ovaries, you will miss hormones, Estrogen in particular. Take the hormone replacement (HRT) drugs to help you recover during the post surgery. Then slowly wean yourself of them. Work with your OB/gyn. as lack of estrogen will lead to vaginal thinning and dryness and it's not good. But there are creams that can keep the walls healthy with out taking internal estrogen.

You will feel like you're losing your mind at times because of the shift in hormones. Most women take HRT because of sleep disturbances. Between lack of sleep, night sweats, thinning v-jay walls, night time becomes no-fun time, but it does get better slowly.I do not know the answer myself, I am 35, but have recommended many times to my mom to do it. Watching her suffer many years was not easy.

For the risks check the first link I copied, and on the second link you can check the alternatives to hysterectomy, just in case you are still having a second thought.

Hysterectomy: Procedures, Complications and Alternatives (Obstetrics and Gynecology Advances: Surgery- Procedures, Complications and Results)

Hysterectomy is one of the most prevalent surgeries world-wide in the female population. Nine out of every ten hysterectomies are performed for non-malignant conditions that are not life-threatening, but have a negative impact on quality of life. Indication policy must be revised as new treatments become available. Menorrhagia is the primary indication and it is not always a response to an anatomical disease; other common indications are genital prolapse and malignancy. New and improved alternatives are increasingly employed for this indication and are responsible for the fall in the rate of hysterectomies performed in the last decade. This book presents current research in the study of hysterectomies, including laparoscopic hysterectomy; beliefs, attitudes and psychological reactions to hysterectomy; myomectomy in place of hysterectomy; surgical management of congenital uterine abnormalities; and, the hysterectomy crossroads.

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