
Uterus falling out?

Uterus falling out?
Best answer:
It sounds like your friend has a prolapsed uterus. It is quite common, and you can look it up on google or web md.Uterine prolapse occurs as a result of weak pelvic muscles after many children and age. I doubt the young occasion.Someone I worked with had this problem. She eventually had surgery to fix it.This might sound weird, but I'm a nurse. After I had my fourth child, I had that condition. It's called prolapse of the uterus. The structures inside you that normally hold the uterus in place, such as ligaments, can get stretched or damaged, and the uterus can hang down into your vagina so you can feel the tip of it, the cervix. I guess some people have ever more severe cases and need surgery. Mine eventually went back into its usual position on its own, but while it was still "getting unstretched", I did have to just push it in better a few times.sounds like bs, if someone's uterus falls out, they won't be able to "push it back in"

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uterus falling out

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Ughvey: When your boobs are falling off and your uterus is falling out, what do you do to calm yourself?
Best answer:
play ''peak a uterus''You could watch that Jon & Kate show...which I'm sure is an effing train wreck...and realize that "things could be worse".

Other than that...I would suggest eating a lot of chocolate..and red wine.Well, first of all I'd staple my uterus back into place because it's a real pain in the assss when those things start dragging along the sidewalk.

I can't help you with your boobs, because mine traveled south and I haven't heard from them since.

The only thing that would calm me down if I was bloated, sticky, hot, and having a nicotine fit would be to throat punch someone.i think this will solve all of your problem
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JrBoOd7JQtkI'll trade you my broken heart for your falling out uterus and falling off boobs.

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