
Q&A: Cystocele/Rectocele surgery, anyone?

Cystocele/Rectocele surgery, anyone?
Best answer:
Although I haven't had it, I can give you the name of a website that tells you about a LOT of women who had this done. It's www.hystersisters.com It's a site for women who've had hysterectomies or may have one but there is a lot of stuff in the bladder issues about this topic. There is a message board there too but I wouldn't mention on that site you have kids as it may make some others who have not been able to have any upset. Info about this is on the hystersisters site because a lot of women have this surgery with a hysterectomy. Are you sure that you don't have an enlarged uterus that's pressing on your bladder? Mine was enlarged to the size of a 9 week pregnancy and when I went to the urologist for urethral stenosis, he said he could see my uterus pressing on the bladder. You may even find out other options besides the staple procedure to have it corrected. As long as you don't have any period issues like heavy bleeding, bad cramps, enlarged uterus, or other issues, you should not need a hysterectomy. Good luck

After surgery for a cystocele, rectocele, and urethral sling, how much walking and stair climbing can I do?
Best answer:
I've never had that, but after my hysterectomy, I was told to take it easy for 6 weeks. No lifting, no driving, and to be a couch potato. I would imagine your surgery was more involved. Take it easy, and rest. There's nothing important enough to risk your health for

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