
Can heels over 2 inches make your uterus fall?

Can heels over 2 inches make your uterus fall?
Best answer:
umm no! I can't believe that story...you can get prolapses from having surgerys and from old age...I can't see that happening from wearing heals or all of us women would be walking around with prolapses.Thats not true at all. If it was dont you think most women would stop wearing heels.

Uterus Hall made up of little Fall pics.
fallen uterus

Image by marc_buehler

What exactly can make your uterus fall out?
Best answer:
I have know iDEA.she is just falling apart because of old age. Next she is going to shit out her left lung.
You have nothing to worry about your young sexy and rearing to bangyou mean ur cherry right?aka ur hymeni didnt kno ur uterus could fall out. but dont pay attention to the rude answers. i assure u that ur uterus is not going to fall out cuz its very very rare..The uterus can drop lower in the abdomen, and during delivery it can turn inside out and be extruded from the body (rare, but a very serious emergency), but it won't just "fall out" of the body.Umm...I'm pretty certain it is impossible for a uterus to just...fall out. Your grandmother might have had a hysterectomy, in which the uterus is surgically removed. This is usually due to serious medical complications, like cancer. Since she was your step-grandmother, you shouldn't worry about an increased risk in genetic defects like that.

In conclusion, don't worry about your uterus just up and dropping out. That...doesn't happen.it does not fall out onto the ground or anything like that

it is called a prolapse

it is where the ligaments / muscles holding the uterus in the pelvis are stretched - usually in older women who have had a few babies, particularly babies who have been bigger and have had difficult deliveries.
obese women
women who are past their child bearing years

women often feel the uterus in the vagina or sometimes can be seen from the vagina when it is more severe

exercises to strengthen muscles
special device inserted in vagina to hold up uterus - pessary
surgery to hitch the uterus back up
hysterectomy - remove uterusAge. The older you get the weaker your pelvic muscles get.

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