
Fibroid tumors?

Fibroid tumors?
Best answer:
none I know of=it is better to get rid of them,so they don't become cancerous=good luckCan Fibroid Tumors be treated without surgery?
There is no way to completely remove fibroids successfully without surgery. We know that menopause has an effect on fibroids by decreasing their size, but the fibroids never completely disappear.Fibroids will not cause cancer, based on your symptoms and wishes for the future(child bearing) you and your doctor can decide what's best.
still deciding myself.

weeb and a fuzzy fibroid
fibroid tumors

Image by sninky-chan

Fibroid Tumors?
Best answer:
This is what I would do... Go on the cruise and until then every morning I would get a quart of warm water and put to tsp of brown sea salt in it and drink it down as fast as you can and at night I would drink a tea called smooth move (salt and tea you buy at health food store) You can add peach tea bag to the the smooth move if you dont like the taste. That will help your bowels stay regular until you get the surgery. Also you might look into cascara sagrada to take during the day if you need extra help.

These things will also help with the pain since your bowels wont be rubbing on the tumors.

Natural Treatment of Fibroid Tumors and Endometriosis

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Price: $ 5.95

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