
full hysterectomy?

full hysterectomy?
Best answer:
Well once you have the hysterectomy you will not bleed at all. I wish you good health.
Sorry that I can't help you better but call your doctor he/she could give you a better answer than any of us that are answering.
ask ninjachik1979, she's had a hysterectomyi was 29 when i had a full hysterectomy done. i had severe endo and cysts covering my ovaries. i also had the start of cervical cancer. i don't know about the shots you are taking because i did not do that. i can tell you after the surgery i was laid up for only about 1 week to the point of really needing help to take care of the house and my child. i seemed to heal pretty quick. i didn't have terrible pain after from it either. i thought it would be a lot worse than it was. follow your docs directions and you will do fine. not having a period since i was 29 is great! LOL going into menopause at 29 is the challenge. i take hrt and have ever since. i have begun to lower my dose because i am now 41 and feel its better if i can get by on a lower dose. good luck and i will keep you in my prayers!I had a hysterctomy - Best thing I have ever did. My health is so much better and I feel better.

Cervical Carcinoma with Adnexa
full hysterectomy

Image by euthman

When will i start to feel normal again after a Full Hysterectomy?
Best answer:
Hey Sweetie. I had mine on March 19th due to cervical cancer. I was swollen for about 2 weeks, but the gas they use to inflate you was finishing it's exodus by this time. I could feel it coming out like normal gas and then bubbling vaginally. I slept a lot and was really tired for the first 3 weeks and wasn't to drive for a month. I drove after 3 weeks. I live alone and had to get out of the house. You should start feeling better by leaps and bounds. I figured I'd never have sex again. NO not EVER! Wrong!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOW! I feel some twinges here and there, but I'm doing really good. I had my staple taken out after 2 weeks, and that made a world of difference. I had 25 of the them from my belly button on down. The staples burned and pulled. My incision is still raised a little and purple, but still healing. The best clothing I can suggest, is a skirt with elastic around the waist so you can pull it all the way up above your breasts. Soooo comfortable! I hope I answered your questions. If not please email me. I will be more than glad to help with specifics or for more personal/slightly embarrassing details(if you want) I hope you start rebounding quickly. I think you will, You are on the hill now, it is all smooth sailing from here.

A case of uterus didelphys: With delivery of full-term child by caesarean section from one organ and hysterectomy of other for a large myoma


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