
Uterine Prolapse and need referral to a specialist?

Uterine Prolapse and need referral to a specialist?
Best answer:
my advice is,,,,,,,,,,,,,, go to a doctor to get referred,,,, thats usually how it works, most specialists dont take walk ins

What could be wrong?
Best answer:
I think she is passing blood clots - she shouldnt be too worried about it but if she is on birth control pills that could be 1 cause of it. I encourag her to take vitamins and keep active and drink alot of water.

Good luck.man i suggest that you do extensive research on this matter and that perhaps you get a really good doctor that has a splendid record..

because if this is really worrying you and no-one can find an aswer that will ease you and your wifes mind, and if it is really nohing,than you should find someone that will be able to ease your minds (if not find an answer)

(",)OK here is the explanation and there is nothing wrong.

Every month the Uterus lines itself with soft new tissue to receive a fertilized egg to grow, in case that happens.
When it does not, the period occurs which is specifically for purging the lining of the Uterus of the old tissue and get ready for next month.

I had this type of bleeding, and tissue expulsion for 25 years.
It is possible that it could be or become Endometriosis. Why is she so nuts?? You can live with endometriosis. Is she in a lot of pain during her periods??? I always was and had a complete Hysterectomy at 37. Mine was advanced by 17 years old.

I will say that if you are young and planning to have children, DO NOT WAIT. Endometriosis can cause infertility. I had 5 surgeries to get pregnant once and adopted after that.

She can seriously improve the uterine prolapse with Kegle
exercises. The clutching and holding of the vaginal muscles.
Do it five to ten times every day. It will strengthen the muscles to hold the bladder up in place.

That's it. Good Luck.

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